Products & Breakthough technology

Microcarriers with unique properties

Breaking a 30-year innovation drought, Carroucell pioneers novel microcarriers thanks to the sol-gel technology. It is a real technological breakthrough to meet new customer needs of flexibility and performance.

Sol-Gel technology, the base of Carroucell activity

Developed in the early 20th century, Sol-Gel technology is a chemical synthesis process that creates silica glass at room temperature, unlike traditional high-temperature methods. Its great flexibility has opened new industrial applications for glass. 

Starting from these observations, and with a wish to create breakthrough in the biotechnology field, Tarek Fathallah developed unique ways to implement Sol-Gel materials in various sizes, shapes, and compositions. This patented innovation led to the creation of Carroucell, a company specializing in innovative, high-performance microcarriers for large-scale culture of adherent cells.

Carroucell patented Sol-Gel microcarrier synthesis process bring many advantages. 

  • Unlike the spherical shape of the classical microcarriers of the market, Carroucell create microcarriers with flat disc shape, bringing significant advantages in cell culture. The tight control of Carroucell micro disc size, with a variability of barely 20%, and composition brings a crucial adaptability for each cell types and amplification processes.

    Carroucell microcarriers sol-gel synthesis process allows for full customization to best match cell culture needs. With this extreme flexibility, Carroucell aims to change the paradigm in the microcarrier field, and more generally, in all biotechnology fields involving the large-scale production of adherent cells.

  • Carroucell sol-gel synthesis process permits to propose an eco-friendly glass, and more importantly, eco-friendly microcarriers.

    Unlike classic glass materials, manufactured at extreme high temperatures, Carroucell microcarriers are synthetized at room temperature. This results in a 90% reduction of the energy footprint associated with Carroucell microcarriers synthesis.

    More than that, Carroucell sol-gel microcarriers synthesis process meet the requirements of green chemistry. Manufacturing microcarriers composed of glass and with 0 plastic components, Carroucell synthesis process do not require any solvent harmful for the environment.

  • In Carroucell sol-gel microcarrier synthesis process, 0 animal or plant-based components are used. This guaranties microcarriers with no batch-to-batch variation and by extension, to a high reproducibility in your cell amplification processes.

  • Sizes : 165 +/- 35µm et 275+/-75µm

    Composition : 100% fonctionnalized green silica

Carroucell product

Cell and gene therapy, vaccine production, or lab-grown leather and meat markets face many challenges. Resources dedicated to cell production, cell quality, cost, and space dedicated to cell culture are many factors that still limit the broadcast of those new technologies and their democratization. 

To face those challenges, Carroucell brings two major innovations.

  • Aggregation-related mortality, hindered cell harvesting, and complexities arising from high microcarrier concentrations pose significant bottlenecks in traditional cell culture on microcarriers, impacting scale-up and production cost reductions. With the purpose to bring bioproduction efficiency to its next level, we bring to the market a new generation of microcarrier: PowerScaleTM.

    Carroucell PowerScaleTM microcarriers stand apart from their spherical counterparts on the market, offering a multitude of advantages. Firstly, they boast a remarkable 15-fold increase in specific surface area compared to conventional microcarriers. This means that just 1 gram of PowerScaleTM microcarriers provides over 5000 cm2 of adherence surface for cells.

    The unique flat disc shape of PowerScaleTM microcarriers optimizes cell adherence, reduces cell mortality from aggregation, and enhances cell detachment. Their transparent design allows easy monitoring of cell adhesion and growth. Precise control over microcarrier size improves culture homogeneity and filtration. Made from pure and flexible silica, PowerScaleTM microcarriers offer exceptional inertness and durability, providing a stable scaffold for scale-up operations.

    Finally, Carroucell sol-gel technology enables the customization of PowerScaleTM microcarriers. This adaptability ensures that the microcarriers can meet the specific requirements for any types of cells and amplification processes. By continually enriching their range of microcarriers, Carroucell ensures optimization for different agitation conditions, ranging from helix to fixed-bed and wave-driven bioreactors.

  • Cell and gene therapies offer groundbreaking hope for treating currently incurable diseases by harnessing primary cells or their by-products. Advancing these therapies to clinical and industrial stages presents the challenge of producing highly sensitive, adherent cells on a large scale, cost-effectively, and without compromising quality. The sensitive adherent cells used in cell therapy differ greatly from the robust, suspension-cultured cells of the past, necessitating significant adaptations. Despite extensive efforts and exorbitant costs to adapt classic bioproduction technologies, cell therapy clinical trial success rates remain at 10 to 20%, with often mediocre cell quality.

    Recognizing the need for a fundamental shift, we developed FlexiGrowTM, the pioneering microcarrier specifically designed for static 2D culture. FlexiGrowTM seamlessly integrates into static 2D systems with ready-to-use protocols for rapid and cost-effective scale-up without any R&D. Bringing 100 to 500% yield increase for your culture in static devices, FlexiGrowTM microcarriers now stands as the only solution to meet the immediate challenges of cell therapy, delivering both quantity and quality to meet market needs.

Increase your culture yields in each culture device


From their disc shape to their mechanical and optical properties, and several sizes available with high homogeneity, everything about FlexiGrow™ microcarriers is optimized for static culture environments. 

FlexiGrow™ integrate perfectly into any static culture device, double yields at the end of culture and preserve high cell quality.

without modifying your culture environment and process

FlexiGrow R

FlexiGrow R: a microcarrier dedicated to static culture environments for R and D applications. FlexiGrow R are sterilized and ready to use. No day-long activation is needed for FlexiGrow R. FlexiGrow R packaging is adapted specifically to your need, from small screening in multiwell plates to larger scale production in flasks and multitray systems. To favor your handling of FlexiGrow R we can define and prepare the specific amount of microcarriers you need for your application.  FlexiGrow R microcarriers are constantly available in our stocks and ready to be sent immediately. 

FlexiGrow G

FlexiGrow G: a GMP-compliant microcarrier dedicated to static culture environments for therapeutical applications and clinical trials. FlexiGrow G are gamma irradiated and triple packed by our partners. FlexiGrow G are guaranteed non-pyrogenic and do not release any extractables in the culture medium. Finally, FlexiGrow G are animal free microcarriers. This guarantees high security for your cultures and for the patients included in your clinical trials. All the documentation for the GMP-compliance of each FlexiGrow G production batch is available on our website. 

Cell harvesting yields


With its unique disk shape, PowerScaleTM brings 15 times more surface area for bioreactor cultures. This flat design enhances cell adhesion, minimizes cell death from aggregation, and boosts recovery at the end of culture.

5000 cm2 of adherence surface

PowerScale R

R&D grade PowerScale-R and FlexiGrow-R microcarriers are sterilized and ready to use. PowerScale-R and FlexiGrow-R packaging is adapted specifically to your need, from small screening in low volumes to larger scale production systems. PowerScale-R and FlexiGrow-R microcarriers are constantly available in our stocks and ready to be sent immediately. 

PowerScale G

GMP grade PowerScale-G and FlexiGrow-G microcarriers are dedicated to therapeutical applications and clinical trials. PowerScale-G and FlexiGrow-G are gamma irradiated and triple packed by our partners. PowerScale-G and FlexiGrow-G are animal free and guaranteed non-pyrogenic. All the documentation for the GMP-compliance of each microcarrier production batch is available on our website. 

customization service

Carroucell is the only microcarrier provider in the world that proposes a complete customization service for their customers. The purpose is simple, to bring you the best solution to improve your cell culture yields and reduce their costs.

Carroucell offers two types of customization services. 

  • With our Bio-CPOTM we aim to provide turnkey protocols, optimizing yields and quality to bring cost-effectiveness to your productions. Many parameters are optimized.

    Cell seeding density: we trigger optimal culture homogeneity while optimizing your resources in terms of cell number and medium quantity.

    Culture time: we determine the optimal condition between cell quantity, cell quality, harvesting efficiency, and medium consumption.

    Culture strategy: we adapt single step and multi-steps culture protocols according to your cell types and your technical and regulatory constraints.

    Culture environment: agitated or static, opened or fully closed, perfused or high-volume, we screen many culture environments using our FlexiGrowTM and PowerScaleTM technologies, and select the one providing optimal performances for your specific cell type.

  • Carroucell offers a wide range of modifications for their microcarriers. By so, Carroucell guarantees the best microcarrier properties for your specific cell type and bioproduction environment:

    We adapt the composition of our microcarrier to increase its biocompatibility for any kinds of cells.

    We adapt the size of our microcarriers to provide an optimal adherence surface for any cell type, while bringing a solution that best feats your downstream filtration processes.

    We adapt the shape to favor cell interaction with the scaffold, to mimic natural interactions encountered in vivo, to provide unique solutions in the case of co-culture processes, and to favor space optimization in diverse culture environments.